Eagle's Landing
NJROTC Unit Goals
Strengthening Unit Identity through Drill Team Development
Specific: Qualify for Area 12 Drill Championships and place in the top 6 overall.
Measurable: Improve the knowledge level of all drill team members in PI procedures and basic military knowledge. Continue to build our academic and athletic teams. Refine and refresh exhibition routines to be more competitive.
Achievable: Our drill team motto is Motivate! Dominate! Dedicate! In order to reach this goal, everyone on our drill team must be dedicated to achieving our goals since dedication is required for consistent and focused practices where all members give their all to the team.
Relevant: The unit needs to establish a Unit identity based on feedback from the Area Manager.
Timely: The first sanctioned drill meet is on October 12th, 2019. Therefore, after school practices will have to be split into drill practice and AMI Key Personnel practice.
Strengthening Unit Identity through Academic Team Development
Specific: Qualify for Navy Nationals and finish in the top 20% in NAE.
Measurable: Through competing and placing in Brain Brawls and academic postals.
Achievable: Enter as many Area 12 Brain Brawls as possible to develop experienced Brain Brawl teams and implementing new methods of studying. Building the academic to have two strong teams.
Relevant: The unit needs to establish a Unit identity based on feedback from the Area Manager.
Timely: Our brain brawls are September 21 (Stockbridge), November 23 (Hillgrove), December 21 (North Cobb)
Building on “Distinguished Unit” status
Specific: Improve in all categories on the EOYR, while specifically developing our unit identity through drill team and academic team growth and competitiveness. In order to accomplish this the following specific goals are set:
Have 60% of cadets complete at least 20 hrs of unit/community service
Reach 75% of environmental hours
Have a 60% pass rate of eligible cadets on the PRT
Have 75% of juniors and seniors take the ACT/SAT prep course
Have 85% of cadets score outstanding on personal appearance at AMI
Have 5 senior cadets earn the ROTC scholarship
Measurable: Progress towards this goal can be measured with the current EOYR and by measuring our Drill Team's and Academic Team's progress.
Achievable: We have earned Distinguished Unit status for six years in a row. The cadets have gotten used to the bar being set high.
Relevant: ELHS NJROTC is geared towards preparing cadets to become leaders and citizens. By achieving the title of Distinguished Unit, we give cadets a firsthand experience of the importance of goal setting and achievement.
Timely: The EOYR is not due until April. That gives Unit leaders ample time to schedule, plan and prepare for Distinguished Unit with Honors status.
Broaden Training and Vitalize our Promotion System
Specific: The purpose of NJROTC is to teach cadets basic leadership skills and qualities that will make them good citizens in the community. Our PARs system provides a guide for cadets to master required knowledge for their next advancement. By stressing advancement, cadets will be learning and the battalion’s level of knowledge and experience will increase.
Measurable: Cadet advancement will be tracked in CDMIS. All cadets are required to be advanced a specific number of times per school year depending on NS level. The fulfillment of this requirement is reflected in their grade.
Achievable: Class time is set aside for cadets to work on their PARS. Additionally, PARS training before school and after school is made available by the battalion staff. The goal is achievable.
Relevant: This goal is relevant to the purpose of the NJROTC program because it increases learning for the whole unit which helps develop cadets into effective leaders.
Timely: There is never a better time to challenge cadets and to reward their accomplishments than the present moment. Promotions should be ongoing throughout the school year.
Provide More Leadership Opportunities to NS1 & NS2 Cadets
Specific: The purpose of NJROTC is to teach cadets basic leadership skills and qualities that will make them good citizens in the community after graduation. By giving younger cadets more leadership opportunities, they learn the leadership traits that will help them be successful in the community.
Measurable: Having OICs at every event to mentor POCs. Putting more responsibility on the PCs and utilizing Admin and Supply liaisons.
Achievable: The goal is achievable. This concept is important since all leaders should be training their relief and preparing them for future success.
Relevant: This goal is relevant to the purpose of the NJROTC program because it will help mold young cadets into leaders. It is a part of leaving our legacy.
Timely: There are unit events all year long so cadets will have the entire school year to step up and show initiative